Summer Lunches
Unlike most summer programs, we depend on your generosity and service to feed the amazing kids in our Adventure Days and Summer Academy programs, which run from July 8th - August 9th, 2019.
Please click below for complete details and to sign up:
Lunches for Adventure Days 2019
Lunches for Summer Academy 2019
Please click below for complete details and to sign up:
Lunches for Adventure Days 2019
Lunches for Summer Academy 2019
Host a Snack Drive
Hosting a snack drive is a fantastic way to provide snacks and drinks for our summer and after-school programs! Please contact us to let us know your dates and for an updated list of non-perishable items.
After-School Snacks
When kids arrive at our programs after school, they're hungry! Providing our young students with a nutritious snack at the beginning of our program helps them transition from their school day and stay focused on the fun and challenging activities in store.
When you sign up to provide and serve snacks for our kids, you're not only offsetting the cost of food for our programs but you have the opportunity to connect with students relationally to welcome them to a great afternoon at North Littleton Promise.
Snack sign-ups for Fall 2019 will be posted in August. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Thanks!
When you sign up to provide and serve snacks for our kids, you're not only offsetting the cost of food for our programs but you have the opportunity to connect with students relationally to welcome them to a great afternoon at North Littleton Promise.
Snack sign-ups for Fall 2019 will be posted in August. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Thanks!