Vacation Policy
Policy adopted and/or amended March 2, 2015
Values and Assumptions
Holiday Policy
It is the policy of North Littleton Promise that the following holidays shall be observed by the organization and all staff members should not have duties requiring them to work on these holidays.
Eight (8) holidays observed each year:
Vacation Policy
It is the policy of North Littleton Promise that the following vacation days will be granted according to job level and years of service to NLP. (One week = 5 vacation days)
- We want our policy to give our part time staff the benefit of holidays and modest vacation opportunities.
- While programs are in session, we still need full program staffing to minister to our kids and their parents.
- Specific work/tasks need to get done, so holidays and vacation days cannot simply extend the date when needed.
- Observed holidays reflect an “office closed” approach where all staff should be able to observe the holidays without conflict.
- We have staff working anywhere from 8-30 hrs/wk, so the policy needs to address this wide range.
Values and Assumptions
- Staff should be able to take some time away from the ministry without always having to “make-up” the time with additional hours.
- When additional time is needed beyond this policy, hours can be “made-up” during heavier program weeks, but only with supervisor approval.
- In all cases, staff members need to arrange for other staff or volunteers to perform their duties if their time off occurs during program time.
- In all cases, vacation time or other time away needs to be cleared with the person’s supervisor and a plan put in place to cover duties as necessary.
- All of our staff are paid on a salary basis (with hours and rates used to calculate the salary). We do not want a “clock-punching” culture but rather a culture of “getting the job done” whatever it takes. As a result, the hours actually worked need to be monitored from time to time to make sure we are fairly compensating our staff. Salaries should be evaluated annually and adjusted if there are changes in hours worked or a rate increase is deemed to be in order.
- Staff members will be paid their regular salary when observing holidays or taking earned vacation time. Five (5) day weeks will be used as the norm for calculating “effective hours” worked per day if this calculation is needed
Holiday Policy
It is the policy of North Littleton Promise that the following holidays shall be observed by the organization and all staff members should not have duties requiring them to work on these holidays.
Eight (8) holidays observed each year:
- New Year’s Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving and the day after Thanksgiving
- Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
Vacation Policy
It is the policy of North Littleton Promise that the following vacation days will be granted according to job level and years of service to NLP. (One week = 5 vacation days)
- Executive Director: 15 days, years 1-4; 20 days, years 5 and following.
- Other Executive Staff: 10 days, years 1-4; 15 days, years 5 and following.
- All other Staff: 5 days, years 1-4; 10 days, years 5 and following.